Sharanya Sudhakar


I am a software engineer graduating from the University of Washington. I am a problem solver with a keen eye for details with a tenacious and relentless perseverance to see my end goal. I owe it to myself to be the best of me whether I am learning, or I am creating. As a programmer and an artist, I love java and c++ just as much as I love my charcoals and paints. So how did this culmination work out?

Why graphics?

Art has always been part of me growing up. But, my interest in programming started with a very simple marquee tag in HTML. Now extinct, this tag would make text scroll across the screen left to right. The teenage me had so much fun seeing text flying across the screen in different speeds and in a dynamic range of colors (neon, bubblegum pink, grass green ...). I was a teenager, what more can I say? I slowly discovered Java and my life changed. With programming in one half, art and animation has occupied the other. I was forever tormenting myself on which path I should take. Always fearing that going in one direction will fade the other away. I found the perfect combination in my first graphics class. Who knew you can program art? I discovered a whole new world that seemed tailor made for me.

Five year Goal:

I am currently in the learning phase of my career. Though I am graduating, putting together this portfolio did enlighten me to the fact that there is a lot more I need to learn. My learning will never cease, as the tide changes so will knowledge. In five years, I am hoping to be a contributor on a larger scale gearing towards leading a team. More than anything, I want to be a key player in any team. Valued for what I bring to the table and encouraged to be more, do more and achieve more.

Ideal Job:

Would be as a graphics programmer, or a technical artist.

What am I looking for?

Knowledge, Challenge, Creativity and Opportunity.

What is success?

To me success is opportunity to excel and acknowledgement of one’s work and effort. It as simple and as hard as that.